ENGLISHThis month, students made great progress across various topics. In Grammar, they explored Unit 3: Adjectives, completing book exercises to strengthen their understanding of descriptive words. They also practiced singular and plural nouns through engaging workbook and notebook activities. Later, we introduced Unit 9: Prepositions, where students worked through both book and notebook tasks, enhancing their grasp of how prepositions show relationships between words. In literature, students delved into Unit 5: Castle in Stories, where we conducted interactive activities and explored fascinating stories about castles. They also completed comprehension exercises to sharpen their reading and analytical skills. The format of informal letter writing was introduced, with students learning how to structure their thoughts effectively in friendly letters. Additionally, they practiced spelling skills using the Nelson Spelling Book to improve their vocabulary and spelling accuracy. It’s been a month full of exciting learning and growth, with students actively participating and improving their skills across subjects! HINDIभारत के रंग रँगीले प्रदेश राजस्थान के विषय में चर्चा करते हुए विडिओ दिखाया गया व पाठ के माध्यम से राजस्थान की संस्कृति व परंपराओं से छात्रों को परिचित कराया गया। एक समुच्चय-चित्रण के द्वारा राजस्थान के खान-पान, किले, ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों, वस्त्र आदि की जानकारी प्रदान की गई । गणित विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों को एक गिनती वाला खेल खिलाकर व पीपीटी दिखाकर क्रिया व उसके भेदों का परिचय दिया गया | व्याकरण पुस्तक से पाठ पठन करवाकर लिखित अभ्यास करवाया गया | ऑनलाइन खेल वर्डवॉल खिलाकर विषय की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई | पाठ - 'लक्खू चाचा के खिलौने' का परिचय देकर कठिन शब्दों को रेखांकित करते हुए पाठ -पठन व अभ्यास-कार्य करवाया गया | पाठ से प्रेरणा दी गई कि यदि प्रेम तथा ममता दी जाए तो बेजुबान भी बोलने लगते हैं | पाठ-'लक्खू चाचा के खिलौने' के माध्यम से भारत में खिलौना उद्योग की स्थिति व प्रधानमंत्री जी द्वारा आरंभ की गई मुहिम ' आत्मनिर्भर भारत' व 'वोकल फॉर लोकल' की जानकारी भी अभ्यास पत्र के द्वारा प्रदान की गई । छात्रों को विडियो दिखाकर विशेषण व उसके भेदों का परिचय दिया गया | ऑनलाइन खेल वर्डवॉल खिलाकर विषय की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई | पाठ- लक्खू चाचा के खिलौने का श्रुतलेख लिया गया | छात्रों की कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। छात्रों को व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि हुई। https://youtu.be/as8G4jHjLpY?si=OKmLonYJ-g9cdWnE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IEOrVD0haw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BQuKHt_oo https://youtu.be/bDHLOAGMHLk?si=cl6sEzi0I9ayslcY https://youtu.be/16VPjeolHe8?si=C4QWfrBIKUAy77c6 SCIENCEThe month began with learning about the importance of plants and animals. Students were made aware of the alarming consequences of deforestation for our environment. At the same time, explanations and discussions were also held about afforestation and how afforestation helps restore the ecosystem's natural balance. Students came up with points on how afforestation is a path toward healing the scars left by deforestation on our environment. Continuing to this the topic of soil was taken through a group presentation (integration with S.ST), sensitising on the topic of soil erosion and soil conservation. Students presented the layers of soil through model creation. This developed the confidence in the students and more clarity about the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hFoZq0qgrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiLITHMVcRw&t=136s MATHSThis month, students concentrated on mastering division by learning its properties and practicing long-division problems. They focused on breaking down numbers into equal parts, checking their answers for accuracy, and applying division to real-life situations using the RUCSAC method (Read, Understand, Choose, Solve, Answer, Check). This approach helped them solve practical problems, such as dividing items equally among groups, reinforcing the usefulness of division in everyday life. To deepen their understanding, students participated in engaging Shin Edu activities that made division practice interactive and enjoyable. An assessment was conducted at the end of the month to evaluate their progress and solidify their understanding of division concepts. SOCIAL STUDIESWe started the month with a focus on India’s amazing natural resources, like water and minerals, which are vital to our daily lives. Water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and wells, sustain us, while irrigation keeps our agriculture thriving. Dams store water, prevent floods, and generate electricity, and rainwater harvesting helps us make the most of the rainy season. Simple conservation actions like fixing leaks help preserve this precious resource. Minerals are equally important. Metallic minerals, like iron, are used in tools, while non-metallic ones, like coal, fuel energy needs. Since minerals are limited, recycling and careful use are essential for conservation. Protecting these resources ensures a sustainable future for us all. ICTThe students were introduced to a new application, Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, where they explored its various components and learned how to create presentations from scratch or by using templates. They practiced essential skills, including saving, opening, and exciting presentations. The students enjoyed creating visually appealing presentations on various topics, allowing them to express their creativity and improve their design skills. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Warm-Up, Jogging Around the Court,Dynamic Stretches: Focus on wrists, shoulders, legs, Footwork Drills, Racket Grip Practice, Forehand Grip, Backhand Grip, Footwork Basics, Shuffling Drill, Front and Back Movement, Shadow Play, Basic Shots Practice, Serve Practice, Clear Shots, Drop Shots, Rally and Control. Gymnastics: Floor exercise round off, bars, swing and support position, vault jumping with spring board. Judo: Ushiro sabaki (Movement), Stretching, Warm up with a mirror game, Exercise, Ushiro Sabaki (Movement), Fun activity (in or out), Cooldown / Meditation. Mae sabaki (Movement), Stretching, General warm up, Fun activity (dodgeball), Cooldown / Meditation. Cricket: Bowling drills, Agility and speed drills, Practice matches, Hand-eye coordination games. Football: Heading; Throwing: skills taught ● Approach,Take off, Hang arch, Landing, Forehead heading in front on ground, Forehead heading with jump. Passing; Receiving: Recap dribbling fundamental. ● Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball Shooting & Kicking: Drills to teach: ● In step, Short-distance kicking Attack: Drills to teach ● Dribbling in forward direction, Dribbling with 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3. Basketball: Basketball shooting, step back, fake and jump shot, 3*3 format matches, 5*5 format matches. PERFORMING ARTS & VISUAL ARTSAnnual Day practices & preparation LIFE SKILLSThe life skills class focused on the deeper connection between mindset and emotions in the "Happy Hearts" theme. Students reflected on how their thoughts influence their feelings and actions, and how a happy heart helps them stay motivated and resilient. The class engaged in positive affirmation exercises, discussed the power of gratitude, and identified practices to maintain a positive aura. Through group sharing and individual reflection, students explored how positive thinking shapes their interactions and learned tools for fostering a strong, uplifting outlook.
ENGLISHThis month, Grade 4 students explored the vibrant poem "Rainbow" (Unit 9) through explanation and comprehension, followed by a Flipped Teaching activity called "My Rainbow Garden." The SDG Worksheet 4 continued to engage learners with global goals. In Literature, they delved into "My Rainbow Garden" and R.L. Stevenson’s works , enhancing comprehension and vocabulary. Biography Writing added creativity to their writing skills, while Treasure Island fostered adventurous learning. Students also participated in a Just A Minute (JAM) Presentation on Healthy Food, where they spoke about the importance of balanced diets and good eating habits, boosting both their public speaking skills and understanding of nutrition. In Grammar, they completed Adjectives (Unit 3), where students practiced identifying and using descriptive words through engaging book exercises. They shared their own examples in class, making grammar lessons interactive and fun. September was a dynamic month of growth and exploration! SCIENCE The students enhanced their knowledge about the different parts of plants, where they explored the different types of leaves around them during their visit to the school's garden. They also shared their knowledge about the process of photosynthesis and the role of stomata in leaves. Also to add to their previous knowledge of the food web and food chain, their interdependence on each other was discussed. Age-appropriate suitable videos, PPT, and interactive sharing sessions were the methodologies used in guiding the learning throughout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rnhz-mdg4c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1Ymc311XS8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3OWsRFtTeI Following this, the students delved into the topic of how plants survive. Adding to their prior knowledge, students actively engaged in how different plants adapt themselves in different habitats (terrestrial and aquatic ).They learned enthusiastically about insectivorous plants and non-green plants as well. They also conducted group presentations on different types of plants based on their adaptations. These presentations were not only informative but also allowed students to discover interesting facts about these plants. To enhance their knowledge, the students embarked on a project where they prepared a herbarium, resulting in a beautiful presentation. This herbarium included various types of leaves, along with their medicinal value and practical uses in our daily lives. The teaching methodologies employed throughout these lessons included age-appropriate videos, PowerPoint presentations, and interactive sharing sessions to guide and enrich the learning experience. SOCIAL SCIENCE In September, we explored the Natural Resources, Soils, and Forests of India. We started by discussing natural resources, learning about exhaustible and inexhaustible types, their importance, and ways to conserve them. Next, we studied the soils of India, covering soil formation, types (alluvial, black, red, laterite, desert, mountain), and their role in agriculture. A hands-on activity helped us understand the importance of preventing soil erosion. Finally, we explored India's forests, learning about the types of forests, their uses, and the rich wildlife they support. We discussed the Chipko Movement, Van Mahotsav, and the significance of protecting forests through wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. These topics helped us understand the importance of conservation and our role in protecting the environment! MATH We introduced the topic of factors and multiples with a warm-up exercise, where students were asked to recall multiplication facts to assess their retention. They were briefed on how numbers are present in every aspect of our lives, with factors and multiples being widely used in daily activities. Factors help us arrange items in various ways, such as organizing books into rows and columns or grouping children in different ways. We explained that factors are numbers multiplied together to form another number, while multiples are the products obtained when one number is multiplied by another. To reinforce the concept, students practiced listing the factors and multiples of several numbers. We also introduced the divisibility rules, which help determine if a number can be divided by another without leaving a remainder. The rules for divisibility by 2, 3, 5, and 10 were explained, and students took turns answering questions and explaining their understanding. HINDIमास का आरंभ, बड़े उत्साह के साथ 'शिक्षक दिवस' मनाते हुए किया गया। छात्रों से स्वास्थ्यकर भोजन व अच्छी सेहत के लिए आवश्यक तत्वों पर चर्चा करते हुए पाठ - 'सेहत है अनमोल ख़जाना' का पाठ-पठन व अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। मासिक विषय और सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१२ से एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों ने पौष्टिक भोजन की पौष्टिकता व इसके लाभ के विषय में कक्षा में प्रस्तुतीकरण दिया। छात्रों को ट्रैफिक सिग्नल की उपयोगिता व आवश्यकता के बताते हुए हिंदी भाषा में विराम चिह्नों के उपयोग व महत्त्व की जानकारी दी गई। इससे संबंधित चलचित्र भी प्रदर्शित किया गया। भाषाई ज्ञान के विकास हेतु विराम चिह्नों के नाम व चित्र बनाकर उनका प्रयोग करते हुए वाक्य रचना भी करवाई गई। ‘हिन्दी दिवस' के अंतर्गत छात्रों ने ‘केवल एक मिनट’ गतिविधि के द्वारा दिए गए विषयों पर अपनी ज्ञानपूर्ण अभिव्यक्ति दी। साथ ही साथ विभिन्न कक्षा परीक्षाओं में भाग भी लिया। छात्रों को विडियो की सहायता से राजस्थान की संस्कृति के विषय में जानकारी देकर पाठ-राजस्थान का पठन करवाया गया व छात्रों से ए-४ शीट पर राजस्थान की संस्कृति, रहन-सहन, खान-पान से सबंधित एक सचित्र परियोजना बनवाई गई। छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि, भाषिक योग्यता, कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। संबंधित लिंक:https://youtu.be/GhujSsCOvsE?si=1zha8xKP-mPWOGBU https://youtu.be/PejBjvmgF0A?si=HemBHOelmm7AGXpM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IEOrVD0haw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BQuKHt_oo ICTThe students learnt about the various components of PowerPoint Window. They learnt how to create a new presentation, add text placeholders, open a presentation and save a presentation. They enjoyed creating a presentation on their favourite sports. WESTERN DANCE In Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram the students learned: 1. The dance form: indian contemporary on the song "Hua Shankhnaad." 2. Basic vocabulary of INDIAN Contemporary dance like Adda, Chowk, single leg posses and many more. 3. Creation of a small routine with powerful movement combinations and incorporating vocal expressions. INDIAN DANCE In Indian Dance classes students learnt about " Five elements of nature" ithrough dance. They understood the significance of five elements of nature to create balance and tranquility on the earth. They mastered the steps based on semi classical dance with counts of 4 and 8. Steps and movements help them to understand sanskrit lyrics and musicality. Gradually they understood sanskrit lyrics with meaning and musicality alongwith dance moves and hast mudras of classical dance. Song : Bhumi mangalam..... DRAMA In September, our drama class concentrated on refining essential voice and breath control techniques vital for impactful performances. Key highlights include:In September, our drama class focused on the topic "My Story" and explored creative ways to build narratives. Key activities included: • Introduction to Three-Act Structure: We discussed the elements of a story – beginning, middle, and end – to help students understand basic storytelling. • Collaborative Story Creation: o Students built stories by speaking one word at a time. o Later, they created another story, with each student contributing one sentence. Both stories were then performed in class. • Personal Narratives: Students shared personal incidents to improve their narration skills and learn how to introduce themselves and their stories effectively. • Group Story Re-creation: Students worked in groups, selected famous stories, and re-imagined them by changing the ending or adding new elements. They discussed and performed their re-created versions in class. These activities enhanced creativity, teamwork, and storytelling skills. INDIAN MUSIC सितंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग सारंग परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक वाद्य -स्वरतारंग कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) WESTERN MUSIC
PHYSCIAL EDUCATION Badminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, Students were practicing 6 corners footwork and clear skill practice, 21 points matches and knock out. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot,arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Standing bridge, hop kartwheel, Wall handstand, High beam, Balancing beam and Podium jump Judo: Tai sa baki ( turning movement ) ogosogi (waste techniques)tsugi ashi (walking movement). Cricket: Bat swing drills, catching drills, fielding drills, Games for hand and eye coordination, Friendly matches. Shooting: Weapon introduction, fundamentals and safety rules, range commands, double hand holding with 1Kg dumble (30 sec) without dumble (45 seconds) Dummy holding on the wall, firing position. Football: Ball control & Dribbling: Drills to teach: Short Taps (In-step),Short taps (Out-step),Long taps (In-step) ,Long taps (out-step) Passing & Receiving, Recap dribbling fundamental, Push pass (In Step), Push pass (out step), In step receiving the ball Shooting &, Kicking Drills to teach, In stepShort-distance kicking VISUAL ARTS In the month of September, Grade 4 students learned how to draw a pot with a sunflower. They started by using basic shapes like freehand circles for the pot's body and triangles for additional details, developing their understanding of how shapes form the foundation of drawing. Step-by-step instructions were provided to ensure accuracy and creativity in their compositions. In this project, the students also explored the use of poster colors. They were taught how to mix and apply the colors effectively, learning about color consistency, layering, and how to achieve vibrant results. Additionally, they were given lessons on brush techniques, such as how to hold and move the brush to create different strokes, as well as how to maintain their brushes and art supplies properly. This hands-on experience helped the students build essential painting skills and care for their materials, preparing them for more advanced art projects. In the last week of September, students created posters on healthy lifestyles, using their imagination to design the composition. Step-by-step instructions were given to guide them, and they were free to choose any color medium. LIFE SKILL The life skills took students on a reflective journey through a recap of earlier themes. Self-awareness, understanding one's strengths, and recognizing the qualities of a good friend were revisited. The class discussed the importance of kindness and how it connects to building strong friendships. Students shared personal experiences and engaged in group discussions to highlight their understanding of the topics. Activities focused on encouraging each student to reflect on their own behavior, recognize the strengths they bring to their friendships, and commit to practicing kindness in daily interactions. ENGLISHAugust was a dynamic and enriching month for our Grade 4 students, filled with exciting learning experiences and creative explorations. We delved into the art of story writing, where students unleashed their vivid imaginations to craft wonderfully descriptive narratives. In Grammar, Unit 4, our young learners tackled the intricacies of pronouns, mastering personal, possessive, and demonstrative forms through engaging book exercises. Their growing confidence in using these pronouns was evident during revision sessions, where they skillfully applied their knowledge. In Literature, Unit 13 brought the dramatic theme of "Wildfire" to the forefront, sparking curiosity and critical thinking. Students enthusiastically participated in word checks and comprehension activities, diving deep into the gripping text. A paragraph dictation exercise further honed their attentive listening and precise writing skills. With assessments underway, this month has been a whirlwind of creativity, knowledge, and growth for our Grade 4 class! SCIENCEFun learning continued with the activities on the Life Cycle of Frog using spoons, paper cups, and of butterflies using simple edible items. These activities showcased their creativity, and collaboration and integrated with the subject of Art as well. After this, a new topic was introduced where students gave presentations on the different topics from the chapter of " How Animals Survive" according to their eating habits, habitats, adaptations, endangered animals, and the need to conserve them. They came up with wonderful and informative work, where they discussed about different animals with their habitat and also shared the reasons and some facts about them. Following this they explored animal adaptations also. - Which animals migrate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P60c0GFHJBc - World’s most endangered species:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5cVr3HdLa4 SOCIAL SCIENCEIndia’s Coastal Wonders: Plains and Islands Unveiled India’s Coastal Plains and Islands offer a blend of beauty and adventure, where the Eastern and Western Coastal Plains meet the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, hosting cities like Chennai and Mumbai. These fertile lands are vital for farming and rich in culture. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, along with Lakshadweep, are home to exotic wildlife, stunning beaches, and vibrant marine life. More than scenic spots, these regions are essential to India’s economy and culture, providing food, protection, and endless inspiration from the ocean. MATHAt the beginning of the month, we continued working on subtraction problems with regrouping involving 5-6 digits. Subtraction word problems were also discussed, with students encouraged to frame their answer statements and write them in their notebooks. A revision test on addition and subtraction was conducted, followed by a discussion of the common mistakes. To introduce the concept of multiplication, we assessed students' prior knowledge by dividing them into four teams for a multiplication quiz. Tricks for mastering multiplication tables were shared to help students multiply more quickly. We also explored multiplication properties that simplify the process. The class practiced multiplication problems with 1-digit and 2-digit multipliers, including the Lattice Method. We further discussed and solved multiplication word problems. Additionally, students practiced Mental Math using Quizizz. HINDIछात्रों के साथ भारत की बड़ी उपलब्धि चंद्रयान-3 के बारे में बात करते हुए चंद्रशेखर वेंकटरामन पाठ का पठन करवाया गया तथा उनके साथ महान वैज्ञानिक की जीवनी सांझा की गई | छात्रों के साथ उनके जीवन, उनके आविष्कारों व उनके पुरस्कार पर चर्चा की गई | छात्रों को उनके जीवन पर एक परियोजना बनाने का कार्य दिया गया | छात्रों को संगीत की शिक्षा के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए एक चिड़िया -अनेक चिड़ियाँ की कविता का विडियो दिखाकर वचन का परिचय दिया गया व पुस्तक से पाठ -पठन व लिखित अभ्यास करवाया |छात्रों को एक कहानी सुनाकर भाषा में लिंग के महत्व के विषय में बताया गया ।छात्रों को वास्तविक जीवन से संबन्धित स्त्रीलिंग के पुल्लिंग व पुल्लिंग के स्त्रीलिंग बताए गए। छात्रों को व्याकरण पुष्प पुस्तक से अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया ।छात्रों की भाषाई योग्यता का विकास होने के साथ साथ नई शब्दावली विकसित हुई । लिंक https://youtu.be/Zfr1eVS5iX8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H81PKgbMIR8&t=29s https://youtu.be/Lge83gFLsi8?si=6phllY8_dCdqzC25 https://youtu.be/R-tTOJ1RvUY?si=S4JfGeMDX7YC6PeD ICTThe students were introduced to Paint 3D, where they learned to use various tools to create and edit both 2D and 3D drawings. They explored the 3D Library, applied stickers, and experimented with adding 3D models, textures, and custom colors to bring their creations to life. Additionally, they learned how to save their drawings as videos, adding a dynamic element to their projects. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons with Ms. Jessica for Grade 5, the students learned: 1. The basic steps and movements of South Indian Dance involving identification and listing parts of a plant through dance movements. 2. The cultural significance of South Indian Dance. 3. The importance and the reason of celebrating Onam Festival and why it's integrated with plants. 4. The basic steps and hand movements introducing parts of a plant through the theme "Dancing through the green". 5. Demonstration of a simple dance sequence with accuracy and rhythm. 6. To move gracefully and confidently. 7. Warm up exercises focusing on flexibility and agility. 8. Cool down movements- relaxing stretches. Dance style: South Indian Dance Song: https://youtu.be/9issi9gymcc?si=2QWX3K6rUNJ_wflt In their Western Dance lessons with Mr. Shree Ram for classes 3 and 4, the students learned: 1. The dance form: Freestyle on the song "Rang De Basanti." 2. Basic vocabulary of freestyle dance like foot taps, hops, and shuffles. 3. Techniques of freestyle such as using the left side to initiate movements and shoulder isolations. 4. Creation of a small routine with powerful movement combinations and incorporating vocal expressions. INDIAN DANCEIn August, students from grades 3 to 5 learned a dance based on the theme of Krishna and Radha. The choreography combined elements from two dance styles: Kathak and Garba. This Krishna-Radha-themed dance helped students understand and portray the characters of Krishna and Radha through their movements and expressions. The rhythm patterns, steps, and movements were set in counts of 4 and 8. Students learned to use Asamyukta Hast Mudras (single-hand gestures) such as Arala and Pataka from Kathak, and they explored floor patterns with claps typical of Garba. The dance was performed to the song "Radha Ke Sang Mein Aaj, Raas Rache Krishna Kanha." DRAMAIn August, our drama class focused on mastering essential voice and breath control techniques, crucial for effective performances. Here are the highlights: • Volume Control: Students practiced modulating their voices, understanding the importance of varying volume to convey different emotions and situations. • Breath Control: We introduced exercises to enhance breath control, helping students sustain longer phrases and maintain clarity in their speech. • Voice Projection Techniques: The class focused on projecting their voices without straining, ensuring they could be heard clearly in any setting. • Emphasis and Meaning: Students practiced how stressing or emphasizing specific words in a sentence can change its meaning, enhancing their expressive abilities. • Group Performance: Students applied these techniques in group activities, improving their ability to collaborate and perform cohesively as a team. By the end of the month, students demonstrated significant improvement in their vocal abilities, contributing to more dynamic and engaging group performances. INDIAN MUSICअगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, झण्डा गीत , राग भीमपालसी एवं भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) स्वतंत्रत दिवस कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने देशभक्ति गीत का प्रदर्शन किया WESTERN MUSICSong: "I Have a Dream" by ABBA Our students have been learning to play "I Have a Dream" by ABBA, focusing on both drumming and guitar techniques. For the drums, they practiced using the paradiddle pattern: Paradiddle Pattern: Right-Left-Right-Right and Left-Right-Left-Left Technique: Start slowly to ensure each stroke is even and controlled. Gradually increase the speed while practicing with a metronome to maintain consistent timing. Students also incorporated paradiddles into drum fills and grooves to develop their versatility. On the guitar, they used a 4/4 strumming pattern, which includes: 1st Beat: Downstroke - strong and steady 2nd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer After 2nd Beat: Upstroke - quick and light 3rd Beat: Upstroke - light and quick After 3rd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer Upstroke: Strong and steady The instruments used in this practice were drums, guitar, piano, and keyboard. The students enjoyed combining these elements to create a harmonious rendition of this beautiful song! PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Practicing footwork and movements with a shuttlecock, wall hitting, shuttle juggling, and knocking with partners. Students were practicing 4 corners footwork and clear skill practice. Swimming: Breathing techniques inside and outside water, bubbling, freestyle kicking on spot,arm action of freestyle stroke. Gymnastics: Students practiced standing bridge, handstandbridge, kartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Ogoshi (Waist throw), Tai Sabaki (Turning movement), Uchi Komi (Technique practice) and Ukemis (Falls). Cricket: Due to maintanance of ground students played indoor Cricket at MPH and practiced Basic rules of the sport, Batting basics, Bowling basics, Fielding drills, Hand-eye coordination drills. Football: Due to maintanance of ground students were going to Badminton, Gymnastics and Kho Kho. LIFE SKILLSIn our life skills session,the important topic of friendship. We discussed what friendship truly means and how to distinguish between good and bad friendships. The students learned that a good friendship is built on trust, respect, and mutual support, while a bad friendship might involve hurtful behavior or make them feel pressured. We also emphasized the importance of avoiding harmful friendships and being empathetic and kind to everyone they interact with. This lesson encourages them to choose friends wisely and treat others with compassion VISUAL ARTStudents were introduced to poster colors for creating a pot with a flower painting, with a focus on the concept of balance in composition. They learned about different brush types and techniques for applying poster colors, followed by a demonstration. The activity emphasized understanding balance, brushwork, and effective use of poster colors to create vibrant, balanced artwork.
EnglishGrade IV students explored their strengths and areas for improvement, journeyed through Unit 16, 'Travelling in India,' and mastered nouns in Unit 2. Creative activities like poster making and picture composition sparked our imagination. They enhanced their spellings and reading skills through Units 1 and 2 of the Spelling Book and Supplementary Reader- Robin Hood. Throughout the month, our students displayed their passion, creativity, and growth, making April a truly memorable learning experience. The students explored the rich history of the Great Wall of China, discovering its purpose, construction, and historical significance. Students answered questions to deepen their understanding. In Grammar, they delved into the rules of punctuation, learning how to correctly use commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Students completed exercises to apply these rules in their writing. They also practised spelling words containing 'ur' and 'ure' sound and learnt about double consonants, practicing the spelling of words like 'butter' and 'happiness.' Over these three weeks of May, Grade IV learners have made significant progress in their understanding of history, punctuation, and spelling. ScienceGrade IV began the new session by learning about the importance of food and its nutrients. They explored various nutrient categories and enthusiastically participated in the Jashne-Aahar activity to reinforce this understanding, emphasizing the benefits of a balanced diet over unhealthy and junk food. Students also learned about different preservation techniques and their importance in daily life. Exercise and yoga sessions were conducted to highlight the importance of physical activity, rest, and adequate sleep. Further, students explored the structure of teeth, types of teeth, their functions, and proper dental care. In May, their learning journey continued with an understanding of the digestive system and the role of microbes as both harmful and beneficial. Through audio-visual aids like PPTs, videos, and images, students deepened their knowledge. They also created digestive system models as a weekend assignment, complete with fun facts. A new concept, the circulatory system, was introduced through an activity involving one minute of jogging followed by one minute of relaxation. This helped them understand the effects of physical activity on their bodies, such as palpitations, warmth, and facial redness, and how these symptoms subside with relaxation. This practical experience gave them a good grasp of the circulatory system and its functions. Social ScienceStudents delved into India's remarkable physical features, with a focus on the Northern Mountains and the Northern Plains. They imagined the grandeur of towering mountains and vast, fertile plains, recognizing what makes India uniquely beautiful. Embarking on an imaginary journey to the majestic Himalayas, renowned for peaks like Mount Everest, they discovered a cooler climate and snowy winters. They realized the mountains' significance in giving rise to crucial rivers like the Ganges and Yamuna, vital for millions. Life in the Northern Mountains, they learned, includes farming on terraced fields, lively festivals, and thrilling adventure tourism. Conversely, they explored the flat, fertile Northern Plains, crisscrossed by rivers that nurture ideal soil for crops like wheat and rice. Understanding why these plains are known as the "Food bowl of India," they appreciated major cities like Delhi and Lucknow as bustling centers of activity and culture in this region. MathTo kick off our Math class this session in Grade IV, we engaged students in a hands-on activity using number flashcards. They created various numbers with the flashcards and demonstrated their understanding by explaining the word form, place value, face value, and expanded form for 4-5 digit numbers. This activity aimed to reinforce their memory and comprehension. The ultimate goals of mathematics instruction are for students to understand the material presented, apply the skills in real life, and recall the concepts in the future. Therefore, grade 4 students reviewed concepts learned in grade 3 and applied the same principles to 7-8 digit numbers. They enjoyed using the number line and the Ant Hill strategy to grasp rounding off. Differentiated strategies to cater to multiple intelligences, including showing videos on different concepts, conducting quizzes by asking questions on covered concepts, allowing students to write answers by themselves, working with a place value chart and hands-on activities with number cards. We also completed and discussed book exercises and provided worksheets to strengthen their knowledge. The concepts they learned include: • Place Value and Face Value of Large Numbers – Indian and International System • Standard, Expanded, and Word Forms • Comparing and Ordering Numbers • Forming Numbers • Rounding off Numbers Hindiछात्रों ने अपने नाम का अर्थ कक्षा में सांझा करते हुए सत्र का आरंभ किया। छात्रों को स्वर, व्यंजन, संयुक्त व्यंजन, संयुक्ताक्षर, द्वित्व व्यंजन, वर्ण विच्छेद व 'र' के विभिन्न रूपों का ज्ञान दिया गया। छात्रों ने मासिक विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए अपने परिवार के सदस्यों के नाम लिखकर वर्ण विच्छेद का अभ्यास किया। छात्रों से उनकी भाषा के विषय में पूछा गया और भाषा के प्रकारों का परिचय दिया गया । छात्रों को 'सीखो शिष्टाचार' नामक पाठ पढ़ाया गया तथा उसका अभ्यास कार्य भी करवाया गया । उन्हें शिष्टाचार का महत्व समझाया गया। छात्रों को संज्ञा का परिचय दिया गया तथा उसके भेद भी बताए गए । गणित विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों को हिन्दी की गिनती लिखवाई गई। छात्रों को १-५० तक की गिनती लिखवाकर समझाई गई। उन्हें गिनती का कितना ज्ञान हुआ, इस बात का जायजा मूल्यांकन परीक्षा ले कर किया गया। छात्रों को पाठ-जीवन की सीख कविता का सस्वर गायन करवाकर भाव भी समझाया गया । छात्रों को पुस्तकीय अभ्यास व कविता के शब्द-अर्थ, वाक्य प्रयोग, प्रश्न-उत्तर करवाए गए । छात्रों को इकाई परीक्षा का लिखित अभ्यास करवाया गया। छात्रों का रचनात्मक व बौद्धिक विकास हुआ। लिंक - https://youtu.be/AvsEyzGfIWU https://youtu.be/plFbwE46KeY https://youtu.be/-pzCcbRuLJo ICTThe session began with an icebreaker activity where students shared their favorite software, activity, or application by drawing it uniquely on paper, while their peers guessed what was depicted. Students' prior knowledge of MS Word from Grade III was assessed, and features of MS Word were discussed interactively. This included hands-on sessions covering the Format Painter, Header and Footer, Line and Paragraph Spacing, Page Formatting, and Print Settings. Students also learned about various styles in Word, how to create a new style, and how to insert text boxes, shapes, pictures, WordArt, and screenshots into a document. They applied these skills to create a poster on Summer Vacation in Word. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tqvfgtFbLE Co ScholasticPhysical EducationBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall Hitting, shuttle juggling, knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari ( Technique for throw) all fall, ushiro ukemi, mae ukemi and Yuko ukemi. Cricket: Basics of Cricket: Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Friendly matches among students. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while on the move. Football: Friendly matches among students. Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Holding dumbles with one hand, body balance exercise related to balance i.e. planks, squats, front planks, side planks and one leg balance. Live fire with pellets and target paper. Indian Musicअप्रैल एवं मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश,एकल चलो रे प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, तबला ,कांगो ,हारमोनियम । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) Western MusicSong"count on me" Bruno Mars,students will be able to sing in Unison,individual,loud and soft voices,learning the time signature,arpegios along with the melody of the song Instrument used: Guitar,drums,piano Western DanceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The Dance forms: Modern Dance (Limon Technique) and Kids Zumba Dance fitness (Level 2 Intermediate). 2. A brief overview of the dance forms and basic dance terminology, concepts, and principles, class format and objectives. 3. Warm up exercises. 4. Body isolation movements. 5. Zumba choreography of the 1st basic rhythm "Merengue". 6. Technical steps: Arm articulations, Plie, Merengue basic march, Side step, 2-step, V-step, Beto shuffle, Hip movements. 7. Cool down session- Meditation, sleeping therapy, basic stretches to de-stress. Song: For Modern Dance(People help the people), For Zumba Kids(Don't stop the party). Links: 1. ( https://youtu.be/K12GqD1tLtw?feature=shared ) 2. ( https://youtu.be/_Dri8EpWCtY?feature=shared ) In their Western Dance lessons with Shree Ram, class 4 the students learnt: 1. The Dance form: Bhangra (Indian folk) 2. Basics vocabulary of Folk dance like foot taps, hops and shuffles. 3. Techniques of bhangra like using the left side to initiate the movements and shoulder isolations. 4. Creation of a small routine with power pack movement combinations and incorporating the voice as well. DramaOur new session commenced with a vibrant icebreaker, sparking enthusiasm from day one. This month, we honed in on: • Concentration Exercises: From simple to complex commands, students improved listening and task-following skills. • Focus-Boosting Activities: "Focus Counting" and "Frog in the Pond" enhanced their alertness and spatial awareness. • Surroundings Awareness: Emphasizing the importance of being observant on and off stage. In May, students learned about the importance of observation through various games and activities. They discovered how observation aids in theater performance and everyday life. Activities like the Mirror activity and "What Are You Doing?" helped them understand and practice observation skills. During improvisations, they recalled their observations to create and perform scenes or on-the-spot improvisations. Indian DanceIn their Indian Dance lessons, the students learnt: The power of Deva Shree Ganesha, destroy all your sorrows, enhance your happiness, and create goodness all around you. Lord Ganesha bless you with worldly bounties. Keep you protected from obstacles at all times, with this thought we at Suncity started the new session with a beautiful Ganesh Vandana. Students learnt beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing along with Kathak basics- Tatkaar, Hastak, Shringar ras and body movements. Song: Hey Ganraya Dance style: Kathak Visual ArtsStudents were introduced to the concept of geometrical compositions, exploring the artistic possibilities inherent in geometric shapes and forms. As part of an art integration project for Social Science, students applied their newfound knowledge to create captivating representations of landforms, blending artistic expression with geographical understanding. EnglishThe students' journey delved into Viking history and language skills in February. They engaged in reading sessions and discussions to uncover the mysteries of the Vikings, connecting their lifestyles with Sustainable Development Goals. Language fluency flourished through vocabulary enhancement exercises and interactive games on synonyms and antonyms. Writing tasks focused on informal letters, notice drafting, and comprehension worksheets from ""The Jungle Book"". Spelling lessons reinforced prefix understanding. Revision worksheets ensured a comprehensive review, fostering a holistic learning experience that combined history, language, and critical thinking. SCIENCEThe month of February started with another topic of Clothes we wear. The students learnt about types of fibers used in different seasons. They also learnt about weaving and knitting of fabrics. Activity of designing of your own dress with waste materials was also conducted, which bought out creative ideas of students and gave them confidence. February was also the month for recapitulation. Children revised all the old concepts activities, Quiz, MS Form and worksheets. Various doubt sessions were also held where children cleared their doubts from all the chapters coming in the final exams. Written and oral revisions were also done in the class. SOCIAL SCIENCEAs we venture into the world of social studies, students in the 4th grade dived into the concepts of rights, duties, and the role of government in our society. They have explored Fundamental Rights and Duties, understanding how these rights contribute to a fair and inclusive community. Through discussions and activities, students have recognized the importance of education and developed a sense of responsibility and empathy, setting the stage for active citizenship. Additionally, they have learnt about the government's role in safeguarding our rights and fulfilling our duties at different levels, from local to national. In February, students embarked on a cultural journey through India, discovering its vibrant festivals, traditional attire, and rich artistic heritage. From classical dances to ancient cave paintings, they have gained a deeper appreciation for the diverse and historic tapestry that defines India. Through various engaging tasks and projects, these students have successfully absorbed and reinforced the key concepts covered in their social studies curriculum. Through quizzes, oral discussions, reflective tasks, creative projects, and real-life applications, the students have successfully recapitulated the key concepts covered. MATHEMATICSThroughout the January and February month, our students embarked on a dynamic journey of learning. We began by intertwining symmetry with art, then delved into the contrast between 2D and 3D shapes, and grasped the concept of perimeter calculation. In preparation for Unit Test 2, we revisited data handling and fractions, ensuring a strong foundation. Exploring time units and money concepts further enriched our understanding, with a focus on practical applications through word problems. We also integrated Shin Edu activities and discussed the relevance of mathematics in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. To solidify our learning, we wrapped up the month with thorough recaps, class tests, worksheets, quizzes, and dedicated doubt-clearing sessions. HINDIछात्रों को विडियो दिखाकर बताया गया कि एक ही शब्द के अनेक अर्थ बताने वाले शब्द ही अनेकार्थी शब्द कहलाते हैं |अनेकार्थी शब्दों की सूची देकर विषय का ज्ञान करवाया गया और उनका प्रयोग सिखाते हुए समझाया गया कि कैसे इनके प्रयोग से भाषा प्रभावशाली बनती है |विडियो दिखाकर 'मुझको जरा बताओ नानी' कविता का वाचन करवाकर पठन व स्पष्टीकरण किया गया |कक्षा में बच्चों ने अपने दादी-नानी के किस्से साझा किए |कविता के शब्दार्थ व पुस्तकीय अभ्यास करवाते हुए पठित पद्यांश का परिचय दिया गया और प्रश्नोत्तर करवाए गए |छात्रों के सभी संशय दूर करते हुए इकाई परीक्षा -२ के लिए व्याकरण, साहित्य व रचनात्मक लेखन से संबंधित पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई। गणतन्त्र दिवस के अवसर पर छात्रों को देश के प्रति सम्मान और कर्तव्य का बोध करवाया गया | छात्रों के साथ मीठी बोली के फ़ायदे बताकर और तेनालीराम का एक विडियो दिखाकर पाठ ‘सबसे मीठी, सबसे कड़वी’ का पठन करवाया गया व बताया गया कि हर मुसीबत का हल सोचने से ही मिल सकता है | सतत विकास के लक्ष्य-4 ‘गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा’ के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए अपने छोटे भाई को मीठी बोली के फ़ायदे बताते हुए एक अनौपचारिक पत्र लिखवाकर विषय का अभ्यास करवाया गया | छात्रों को कहानी का परिचय और उसके विभिन्न रूप सिखाकर, छात्रों से कहानी का अंत बदलवाया गया | छात्रों के पाठ्यक्रम से संबन्धित सभी संशय दूर करते हुए वार्षिक परीक्षा की लिखित, मौखिक व एमएस फॉर्म द्वारा पुरावृत्ति करवाई गई | ICTThe students revised the concepts of Scratch and Powerpoint (Working with Slides) through Revision Sheets and Sample papers. They also did hands on practice to make different programs in Scratch using block based coding. They were able to create beautiful animations using Sprites and blocks. They were guided the ways to attempt the Question Paper. They also appeared for their Theory and practical Annual Exam. WESTERN DANCE Modern Dance (Limon Technique), Use of dance vocabulary to describe movement, Arm Articulations, Drop swing, Dance techniques about the dynamics of body weight as the body rose, fell, and remained in suspension during a dance, Movements to improve a dancer's quality of movement which adds strength while developing dynamic and exciting movement qualities, Unique use of space, weight, and music, Simple exercises that can be later enhanced to challenge modern dance movements and improve one's coordination significantly. INDIAN DANCEMaha Shivaratri -The Great Night of Shiva is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the deity Shiva, between February and March. According to the Hindu calendar, the festival is observed on the fourteenth day of the dark (waning) half of the lunar month of Phalguna or Magha. The festival commemorates the wedding of Shiva and Parvati, and the occasion that Shiva performs his divine dance, called the Tandava. Students learnt a beautiful Shiva Stuti on the occasion of Maha Shivratri. ARTIn their Visual Art lessons: Students completed the art page in their SDG book. They also made human figures wearing winter clothes. Introduction to various art techniques like- Sagraffito, Silhouette and Grattage. Students thoroughly enjoyed the process of these techniques. Composition: Human drawing MUSICStudents learnt to recognize rhythm changes, pitch correction, voicing, chords, scales Instrument Used: Keyboard, guitar, drums, clap box DRAMAAs we bid farewell to February, let's take a moment to reflect on the exciting drama activities we've been immersed in over the past month. Our grade 3 and 4 students have been actively engaged in exploring the world of emotions, character development, and space utilization in our drama classes. Family Scene Design: One of the highlights of February was our focus on family scene design. Students were tasked with creating and performing scenes that depicted various family dynamics and emotions. Through this activity, they learned to empathize with different characters, understand their motivations, and express a wide range of emotions on stage. Meissner Technique Practice: In addition to family scene design, students also delved into the Meissner technique. Named after the renowned actor and teacher Sanford Meissner, this technique emphasizes truthful acting, emotional authenticity, and spontaneous reactions. Our students immersed themselves in exercises that honed their listening skills, emotional responsiveness, and ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances. Space Utilization Activities: Another key aspect of our drama classes last month was our exploration of space utilization. Students learned how to effectively use the stage space to enhance their performances. They experimented with levels, movement patterns, and stage directions As we look back on these enriching experiences, we are filled with pride and admiration for our talented students. Their dedication, creativity, and passion for drama continue to inspire us every day. We can't wait to see how they will continue to grow and excel in the coming months. LIFE SKILLSThe topic of the month was Anxiety Management. The goal of the module was to understand emotions, learn ways to regulate them in a healthy way, identify positive coping strategies and structures to help them manage anxiety effectively. In addition, it was aimed to equip children with tools and insights that empower them to face challenges and embrace the positive moments in their lives. It was delivered in an interactive manner through activities, storytelling and visual aids. INDIAN MUSICगायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : पिछले गीतों का पुनरअभ्यास, सरस्वती वंदना । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । PHYSICAL EDUCATIONBadminton: Outdoor Practice: Practicing footwork and movements without a shuttlecock, wall Hitting, shuttle juggling, knocking with partners. Gymnastics: Terminology terms like vault, beam, floor exercise, uneven bars, and pommel horse were discussed which are apparatuses used in gymnastics. Judo: Osotogari ( Technique for throw) all fall, Oshiro Ukeme, Mae Ukeme and Yuko Ukeme. Cricket: Basics of Cricket: Understanding the objectives and equipment used in the game of cricket, including bats, balls, and wickets. Match was played. Basketball: Dribbling: Learning to control and move the basketball using right-hand and left-hand dribbles. Defensive rebounding and passing while movement. Football: Match play among themselves. EnglishThe month of December witnessed the journey through the realms of poetry, grammar, and cultural celebrations, embracing creativity and learning. It started with the enchanting world of acrostic poetry, where words came alive through creative verses. Students crafted their acrostic poems using their first names, reflecting their unique characteristics and strengths. They explored themes like FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY, or DREAM through poetry, sharing their creations for a delightful exchange of thoughts. The linguistic adventure continued as Unit 6 was revisited, and Verbs were recapitulated. Exercises in the Grammarite Text Book solidified their understanding of verbs. Subject-verb agreement was also introduced and explained. Moving into the world of literature, the learners explored vibrant global celebrations like Diwali, New Year, etc., discussing their significance and unique customs. This involved the discussion of the impact of traditional practices on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how responsible consumption is aligned with them. They also illuminated the role of adverbs and their types, delving into exercises and enhancing their language skills. Students practiced constructing sentences with specific adverbs and supplemented their understanding by watching an informative video on adverbs. As part of their language enhancement journey, the students engaged with Nelson Spelling, explored The Jungle Book as a supplementary reader, and assessed reading skills through individual reading sessions. The month had a promising tapestry of creativity, linguistic exploration, and cultural appreciation. This made the journey during the month enriching! ScienceThe month started with a lot of enthusiasm as this was the month full of energy and hard work for the sports day (Oorja). The learners began the journey of knowledge about the reality around them which started with role of the Sun in causing day and night in the chapter - Air , Water and Weather. The students also gained the knowledge about land and sea breeze and the importance of water cycle. Topics related to the purification of water such as sedimentation, decantation and filtration were introduced and explained by asking thought provoking questions. The students were asked to think and write how they can use these methods in their daily life. All this made the learning an experiential journey. Social ScienceDecember month welcomed young explorers to a fascinating journey through India- a land of diverse landscapes, rich minerals , unique climates, and inspiring personalities. India has a treasure of minerals that contribute to its economic and industrial growth. India's climate is as varied as its landscapes. The monsoon rains, a crucial aspect of Indian climate, play a pivotal role in agriculture. Students also leraned about India's remarkable personalities like A P J Abdul kalam, Hima Das , Amitabh Bachhan, etc. who have left an indelible mark on history. MathA new section on Geometry was introduced, emphasizing its real-life applications. Students delved into the fundamentals, understanding concepts such as points, lines, rays, line segments, and curved lines. The classification of lines into intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines was explained, and students practised drawing line segments using a scale. Additionally, the lesson covered closed and open figures, with a focus on polygons, as well as an exploration of circles and their components. To reinforce these concepts, students engaged in book exercises for a more comprehensive understanding. Furthermore, a revision test on measurements was conducted. Links- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF-Z_40GzHg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPnP_EEZvQc Hindiछात्रों से बिजली के आविष्कार पर चर्चा करते हुए बिजली व सौर ऊर्जा के महत्त्व पर चर्चा की गई |कठिन शब्दों को रेखांकित करवाते हुए पाठ-'मैं बिजली हूँ' का पाठ-पठन करवाया गया | छात्रों को ज्ञान हुआ कि 'आवश्यकता ही आविष्कार की जननी है |' पुस्तकीय अभ्यास व कार्य-पुस्तिका में पाठ के शब्दार्थ व प्रश्न-उत्तर करवाए गए |कला विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए लोगों को जागृत करने के लिए छात्रों ने ‘बिजली बचाओ’ विषय पर नारा लेखन का उत्तम प्रदर्शन किया | छात्रों को पत्र की यात्रा का विडिओ दिखाकर अनौपचारिक पत्र का परिचय दिया गया | पत्र के प्रकार व पत्र -लेखन के प्रारूप पर चर्चा की गई | आधुनिक युग में दूरसंचार के साधन के साथ-साथ ई-मेल लेखन की जानकारी भी दी गई |कार्य-पुस्तिका में मस्तिष्क मानचित्र बनवाकर छात्रों को सतत विकास लक्ष्य -७‘ किफ़ायती एवं स्वच्छ ऊर्जा’ के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए अपने मित्र को सौर ऊर्जा का महत्व व सामाजिक विज्ञान व मासिक विषय ‘त्योहार और मौसम’के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए विदेश में रहने वाले अपने मित्र को हेमंत ऋतु में पड़ने वाले त्योहारों के विषय में बताते हुए एक अनौपचारिक पत्र लिखवाया गया | छात्रों का साहित्य व व्याकरण का लिखित मूल्यांकन लिया गया | छात्रों का बहुमुखी विकास हुआ | लिंक:- https://youtu.be/t5gGlQBW-7I?si=7qJewXqRTmfqjOSg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp8WU3G7wKU ITThe students were introduced to a new topic - Scratch. A recap was done of the topics that have been done in their previous session. They added sprite and background. They enjoyed creating a Garden Scene and an Aquarium Scene in Scratch. Physical EducationInter-house events for the various games were organized during the PE lessons: Track and field events: 50m, 4x50m mixed relay race, 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m mixed relay, long jump, shot put, and medicine ball throw, Obstacle race, Judo ,Gymnastics and Yoga practice. SPORTS DAY PRACTICE Indian MusicWestern MusicIn their Western Music lessons, students learnt: Songs: 'Try everything', '500 miles' Students practised various pitches in different patterns and rhythms Instrument used: Guitar, piano, drums Western MusicIn their Western Music lessons, students learnt: Songs: 'Try everything', '500 miles' Students practised various pitches in different patterns and rhythms Instrument used: Guitar, piano, drums
Diwali, the festival of lights, is mainly celebrated in honour of Lord Ram's return to his kingdom in Ayodhya, after staying in exile for 14 years. On this occasion Suncitizens learnt a beautiful dance, an amalgamation of the east meeting the west fusion, demonstrating Ram- The Warrior. DANCE FORM: Kathak and Russian Classical Ballet SONG: Ramam Raghavam Western DanceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The revision of essential beginning steps of Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/ Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn, Jazz Square. 2. Jazz routine with the theme 'Christmas Special' and the addition of two new technical Jazz steps- Jazz turn, Grapevine. 3. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong. 4. Body isolations. 5. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'FADED' BY ALAN WALKER DramaIn their Drama lessons, the students delved into the understanding of story dramatization. Since, a story is a simple narrative, there are certain points to consider when planning to dramatize it. To grasp this concept: 1. Story Selection and Scene Creation: Students began by selecting a story, dividing it into scenes, and writing dialogues. 2. Animal Story Transformation: Students chose an animal story, extracted its moral or lesson, and recreated the narrative in a contemporary context for humans. They performed the adapted story. 3. Scene Recreation: Students were organised into groups, assigning each group a scene from a chosen story. They were provided with the script or scene summary, and they worked collaboratively to recreate and perform the scene. 4. Emphasis on Performance Skills: Encouraged students to concentrate on character development, blocking, and using their voices and bodies to convey the essence of the story. 5. Exploration of Physical Theatre and Body Mechanics: To comprehend physical theatre and body movements, students engaged in an activity discussing machines, their components, and how they operate. They explored the idea that machines consist of moving and non-moving parts, differentiated between simple and complex machines, and acted as components of a machine in groups. This activity highlighted the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and synchronization within their teams. LifeskillInterpersonal Skills: This module helped students to understand interpersonal skills, and ways to improve communication, and helped them to cooperate and work as a team. Practical examples, relevant to the age group, were provided for each emotion. While taking the module, the facilitator was expressive both verbally and non-verbally when they explained different emotions. The activity conducted, helped students understand how they could enact each of these scenarios which closely resemble real-life situations and friendships. The facilitator also talked about each aspect, the talking, facial expressions, body movements, and eye contact that was used by every student.
EnglishA Month of Engaging Learning and Environmental Awareness The month began with a thorough revision of informal letters and Unit Test 2 topics in English, complemented by a comprehensive revision worksheet to reinforce these concepts. Following this, English lessons delved into exploring prefixes, suffixes, and roots through various workbook pages and the Nelson English Pupil book, aiming to solidify language fundamentals. Spelling skills were honed with exercises from Unit 9 and Unit 10 of Nelson Spelling, contributing to linguistic proficiency. Literary exploration found its place in the curriculum through 'Jungle Book' Units 7 & 8, encouraging imaginative thinking. Meanwhile, weekday homework assignments involved Reading Comprehension exercises from 'Castles in Stories.' A thought-provoking session unfolded, emphasizing environmental consciousness by highlighting the importance of caring for our planet and discussing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus was on SDG 15, stressing the significance of terrestrial ecosystems and the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The discussion further expanded to connect SDG 15 with other global goals: SDG 3 - Good Health & Well-Being SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation SDG 13 - Climate Action To enrich the learning experience, engaging videos on SDG 15 and SDG 13 were shared, offering visual insights into these crucial global initiatives. SDG15 - https://youtu.be/P-vXJ387FRY?si=QE_zuB111TIdj1je SDG 13 - https://youtu.be/6YqmEYlg4IY?si=cTv_xTKDkXOXqrEF ScienceThe students were introduced to a new topic- States of Matter. They were made aware how everything is made up of matter and the different properties of different states of matter. Apart from exploring and investigating the factors that make matter change from one state to another, students also touched upon the concept of filtration, sublimation and decantation discussing ample examples from real life. Students were made to watch videos and were given different situations in which they were told about how to separate solutions of various solute and solvent. At the end of the month recapitulation was done of the topics coming in the Unit Test. Children revised all the old concepts with the fun activities, through Quiz, Frame the Question Activity, Pick the Chit and also through Corner Game. Various doubt sessions were also held where kids cleared their doubts. Written and oral revisions were also done in the class. Social ScienceStudents were introduced to the lifelines of the country-Transport & Communication. They learnt about modes of transport (Roadways, Railways, Waterways and Airways) and means of communication. They learnt about four types of bridges. They learnt about the latest and one of the least expensive methods of communication which is the Internet. The whole world is dependent upon internet. Later, they were introduced to the water resources of India. They were informed about the different sources of water - both natural and man-made. Students were sensitised to understand the importance of water. SDG 3- Good health and Well-being SDG 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12- Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 6- Clean Water and Sanitation Video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULtAwgYTpDc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFwoc81Nzy MathAt the beginning of the month, students enthusiastically dived into the world of data by interpreting pictographs and bar graphs. They explored the practical applications of Measurements through hands-on activities like measuring book lengths, estimating weights, and using water bottles for capacity. The focus was on understanding the distinctions between big and small units, along with practical skills like conversion and basic arithmetic with different units. Multimedia resources, including videos, quizzes, and weekend worksheets enhanced their learning experience. Additionally, students engaged in a Shin Edu activity to reinforce their understanding of these concepts. Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a5OuENTZUg&t=2s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02c3_uJKXvw&t=167s Hindiछात्रों को विडियो दिखाकर व कहानी सुनाते हुए मुहावरों का परिचय दिया गया | क्रियात्मक गतिविधि में नाट्य कला से एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों ने समूह गतिविधि में मुहावरों का अभिनय किया | व्याकरण पुष्प से पाठ-पठन करवाकर अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया | छात्रों से समझदारी पर बात करते हुए व विडियो लिंक दिखाकर पाठ- चतुर टॉम का पठन करवाया गया और बताया गया कि चतुर मनुष्य अपने जीवन की परेशानियों को स्वयं हल करने में सक्षम होता है | पाठ के शब्द-अर्थ, प्रश्नोत्तर और वाक्य प्रयोग कठिन शब्दों की श्रुतलेख परीक्षा ली गई |छात्रों से बाल दिवस के बारे में बात करते हुए, भारत के राष्ट्रीय चिन्हों के बारे में विडियो दिखाई गई व 'मेरा भारत महान ' कविता का वाचन करवाकर पठन व स्पष्टीकरण किया गया | छात्रों को हमारे राष्ट्रीय प्रतीकों का विडियो दिखाकर देश के प्रति सम्मान और कर्तव्य का बोध करवाया गया |छात्रों ने योग्यता आधारित शिक्षण में भारत के ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों (किसी एक) के बारे में जानकारी एकत्रित करते हुए उसके बारे में शोध कार्य व समूह गतिविधि में भारत के राष्ट्रीय चिन्हों का समुच्चय चित्रण बनाया | छात्रों को कुछ चित्र दिखाकर ‘अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द (वाक्यांश)’ का परिचय दिया गया | नाट्य कला के साथ समायोजित करते हुए समूह गतिविधि में बच्चों ने वाक्यांश का मूक अभिनय किया | छात्रों को भूलने की आदत के विषय में चर्चा करते हुए 'भुलक्कड़ गट्टू' कहानी की विडियो दिखाई गई | क्रियात्मक गतिविधि में छात्रों ने कक्षा में अपने माता-पिता के भूलने का अनुभव कक्षा में अपने सहपाठियों के साथ सांझा किया | सतत विकास लक्ष्य -९ ‘शुद्ध जल एवं स्वच्छता’के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए व छात्रों को पानी का महत्व बताकर अनुच्छेद लेखन लिखवाया गया | छात्रों को पंच दिवसीय त्योहारों की प्रासंगिकता एवं महत्व से परिचित करवाया गया | छात्रों की कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। छात्रों को व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि हुई। विडियो लिंक:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPK9pd03WxQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DvRheg2Nrs https://youtu.be/KOFMf7eWyJc?si=OylApSAs9stNmsd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr781656X_U ICTStudents understood the components of a PPT window, creating a new presentation, saving, opening, closing and running a Presentation and applied it practically. They were introduced to Working with Slides. They learnt about different changes to the slide - add, delete, change formatting in a slide. Physical Education Inter-house events for the various games were organised during the PE lessons: Track and field events: 50m, 4x50m mixed relay race, 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m mixed relay, long jump, shot put, and medicine ball throw, Obstacle race, Judo ,Gymnastics and Yoga practice. SPORTS DAY PRACTICE Indian Musicनवंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत : राम आएंगे गीत,नानक आया शबद, लोक गीत रवींद्र संगीत - मेगहेर खोले गीत । प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु। कक्षा ३ नवंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने प्रार्थना सभा मे राम आएंगे गीत का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया। वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो, बककेट ,टेमरिंड ,कलेप बॉक्स ,कीबोर्ड ,ढोल एवं ढोलकएवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल ) एवं भजनी ठेका । Western MusicIn their Western Music lessons, students learnt: Songs: 'Try everything', '500 miles' Students practised various pitches in different patterns and rhythms Instrument used: Guitar, piano, drums Indian DanceDiwali, the festival of lights, is mainly celebrated in honour of Lord Ram's return to his kingdom in Ayodhya, after staying in exile for 14 years. On this occasion Suncitizens learnt a beautiful dance, an amalgamation of the east meeting the west fusion, demonstrating Ram- The Warrior. DANCE FORM: Kathak and Russian Classical Ballet SONG: Ramam Raghavam Western DanceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The revision of essential beginning steps of Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/ Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn, Jazz Square. 2. Jazz routine with the theme 'Christmas Special' and the addition of two new technical Jazz steps- Jazz turn, Grapevine. 3. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong. 4. Body isolations. 5. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'FADED' BY ALAN WALKER In their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Bhangra Dance: Shoulder movement, leg taps, leg raise, side shuffle taps 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the contemporary elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Bhangra SONG: Jogiya by Surjeet Bindarakhia DramaIn their Drama lessons, the students delved into the understanding of story dramatization. Since, a story is a simple narrative, there are certain points to consider when planning to dramatize it. To grasp this concept: 1. Story Selection and Scene Creation: Students began by selecting a story, dividing it into scenes, and writing dialogues. 2. Animal Story Transformation: Students chose an animal story, extracted its moral or lesson, and recreated the narrative in a contemporary context for humans. They performed the adapted story. 3. Scene Recreation: Students were organised into groups, assigning each group a scene from a chosen story. They were provided with the script or scene summary, and they worked collaboratively to recreate and perform the scene. 4. Emphasis on Performance Skills: Encouraged students to concentrate on character development, blocking, and using their voices and bodies to convey the essence of the story. 5. Exploration of Physical Theatre and Body Mechanics: To comprehend physical theatre and body movements, students engaged in an activity discussing machines, their components, and how they operate. They explored the idea that machines consist of moving and non-moving parts, differentiated between simple and complex machines, and acted as components of a machine in groups. This activity highlighted the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and synchronization within their teams. Visual ArtsStudents made doodles and landscape related to transport and communication. Composition: Object drawing Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, perspective, contour drawing SDG 4: Quality Education Life SkillInterpersonal Skills: This module helped students to understand interpersonal skills, and ways to improve communication, and helped them to cooperate and work as a team. Practical examples, relevant to the age group, were provided for each emotion. While taking the module, the facilitator was expressive both verbally and non-verbally when they explained different emotions. The activity conducted, helped students understand how they could enact each of these scenarios which closely resemble real-life situations and friendships. The facilitator also talked about each aspect, the talking, facial expressions, body movements, and eye contact that was used by every student. ENGLISHIn October 2023, the English curriculum for Grade 4 encompassed a comprehensive study of grammar and literature. Conjunctions in Unit 11 (Grammarite) were thoroughly covered, along with a practice task in the notebook, and any doubts were effectively addressed through oral discussions. A brainstorming session introduced the Books on Bridges topic, followed by an explanation. Unit 10 of Literature included reading, explanation, chapter-end exercises, and notebook work, with a focus on constructing sentences. A paragraph dictation exercise from Treasure Island (Unit 12) was also administered. The Supplementary Reader, Jungle Book, saw Unit 6's reading and explanation. Unit 3 (Grammarite) prepositions were extensively explained A PBL Activity for Book Review submission was successfully carried out. Further reinforcement of prepositions was achieved through practice exercises both in the Grammarite book and the notebook. The concept of Informal Letter writing was introduced, explained, and format outlined in the notebook, with a sample letter discussion and practice tasks assigned through the uploaded PPT on Teams. Lastly, the allocated time was utilized for a practice task on Informal Letter writing in the notebook. Overall, it was a highly productive month, with a strong emphasis on grammar proficiency, literature comprehension, and practical application, and students remained actively engaged throughout the lessons. Any queries or concerns were promptly addressed, and we look forward to continued progress in November. HINDI छात्रों को एक अशुद्ध कहानी देकर शब्दों व वाक्यों की वर्तनी शुद्धि का ज्ञान दिया गया | गणित विषय के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों को एक गिनती वाला खेल खिलाकर व पीपीटी दिखाकर क्रिया व उसके भेदों का परिचय दिया गया | व्याकरण पुस्तक से पाठ पठन करवाकर लिखित अभ्यास करवाया गया | ऑनलाइन खेल वर्डवॉल खिलाकर विषय की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई | पाठ - 'लक्खू चाचा के खिलौने' का परिचय देकर कठिन शब्दों को रेखांकित करते हुए पाठ -पठन व अभ्यास-कार्य करवाया गया | पाठ से प्रेरणा दी गई कि यदि प्रेम तथा ममता दी जाए तो बेजुबान भी बोलने लगते हैं | मासिक विषय –‘घर और समाज’व सतत विकास लक्ष्य -९ ‘उद्योग, नवाचार और अवसरंचना’ के साथ एकीकृत करते हुए छात्रों को उनकी योग्यता आधारित शिक्षण और रचनात्मक सोच के साथ जोड़कर, छोटे -छोटे उद्योगों में नवाचार को प्रोत्साहित करते हुए वुका गतिविधि में ए-४ शीट पर किसी एक उद्योग पर खोज कार्य (समस्या व समाधान) करते हुए कक्षा में प्रस्तुतिकरण किया गया | छात्रों को सार्वभौमिक विषय – 'मैं सम्माननीय हूँ, से संबंधित एक विडियो दिखाकर विशेषण व उसके भेदों का परिचय दिया गया | ऑनलाइन खेल वर्डवॉल खिलाकर विषय की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई | पाठ- लक्खू चाचा के खिलौने का श्रुतलेख लिया गया | छात्रों को विडियो दिखाकर कविता 'सोन मछरिया' का सस्वर वाचन करवाकर भावार्थ समझाया गया | कविता का पुस्तकीय व लिखित अभ्यास करवाया गया | छात्रों की कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। छात्रों को व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि हुई। https://youtu.be/howWcWSnh8c?si=8fhLYko7ohZBXKI5 https://youtu.be/Pj2Sbj1uSR4?si=CF_aIR0_CbW4B4o1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDFJGEe4YBA SCIENCEThe month began with the learning about the importance of plants and animals in our life. Students were made aware about the alarming consequences of deforestation for our environment. At the same time explanation and discussions were also held about afforestation and how afforestation helps to restore the natural balance of ecosystem. Students came up with points on how afforestation is a path towards healing the scars left by deforestation on our environment. Continuing to this the topic of soil was taken through a group presentation (integration with S.ST), where students presented the types, formation and importance of soil. This developed the confidence in the students and more clarity about the topic. They further explored the importance of friction, situations where it can be advantageous or disadvantageous. How can friction help us maintain balance or how it can cause trouble in machinery. Gravity - How everything only falls back to earth? Gravity is one such concept which intrigues their grey matter. Learners had a detailed insight on simple machines and how do they make our everyday task easier. They observed the functionality of wheel and axle through a car model which made their concept clearer, live examples and activities helped them for the same. SOCIAL SCIENCEThis month started with an experiential learning related to soil erosion wherein our little environmentalists learnt about the causes of soil erosion and the ways to prevent it. The new topic’s initiation was done by asking thought provoking questions to build the importance of agriculture in our life. The students were asked to think and make a list of things which are obtained from agriculture and are used by them on daily basis. The importance of green revolution was discussed and the students were made aware of the “Father of Green revolution” Mr. M S Swaminathan. Later, in the month the topic industries was taken up where in they learnt about the differences between large scale, small scale and cottage industries. The recap of Unit test topics was done through Quizziz and written revision. Video Links: Erosion Lab - YouTube How Cotton is Processed in Factories | How It’s Made - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCD_bssV4ak https://youtu.be/xZm0pxR_dRw MATHDuring this month, we focused on improving students' understanding of factors and multiples. Divisibility rules were explained for numbers like 2, 3, 5, and 10, allowing students to take turns applying these rules and explaining their reasoning. Students also learn prime and composite numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes method. In fractions, students reviewed basic concepts and conducted hands-on activities with Fraction Kits to illustrate the relationships between wholes and parts. Students learned various types of fractions, how to compare and arrange them, and how to convert improper fractions to mixed fractions and vice versa. We wrapped up the month by applying this knowledge to solve real-life word problems involving fractions, including addition and subtraction. Additionally, students engaged in a Shin Edu activity to reinforce their understanding of these concepts. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qOmmHxqX5M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3__8MmaiLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJB1N9RAFRs INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThe students understood the concept of managing the files and folders. They learnt to create folders and files in the folders. They discussed different features of Windows 10 - Cortana Search Tool, Edge browser, multiple desktops and Windows store. Students were also introduced to Microsoft Powerpoint 2016. They were guided to start, create, save, close and open an existing presentation. They also identified different components of a Powerpoint window and the rest of it will be continued. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONInter-house events for the various games were organised during the PE lessons: Individual games: Badminton (based on 11 points Knock-out), Swimming and athletics (heats). Track and field events: 50m, 4x50m mixed relay race, 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m mixed relay, long jump, shot put, and medicine ball throw. WESTERN MUSICSong: 'Awesome God' - A song about the power of God Instruments used: white board, keyboard, guitar INDIAN DANCEThe legend associated with Navratri speaks about the great battle between the powerful demon Mahishasura and Goddess Durga. On each day of Navratri, an incarnation of “Goddess Durga” is worshipped to celebrate the day of her victory over Mahishasura, and the ultimate victory of 'Good over Evil.” Students learnt a Durga stuti depicting Mahishasur mardan. DANCE FORM: Classical SONG: Aigiri nandini WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Bhangra Dance: Shoulder movement, leg taps, leg raise, side shuffle taps 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the contemporary elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Bhangra SONG: Jogiya by Surjeet Bindarakhia DRAMAUses of Properties in Drama and Theatre: Through various games, activities, and role-play, students gained a deeper understanding of how props serve multiple purposes and significantly enhance storytelling and the overall audience experience. Props are used for: 1. Characterization: 2. Setting and Atmosphere 3. Plot Advancement: 4. Interaction 5. Visual Interest: The following activities were done by the students: 1. Discussion about Types of Set Props: This includes Hand Props, Costume Props, Personal Props, and Symbolic Props. 2. Group Storytelling: Students were divided into groups and provided with 2-3 props for each group. Each group then creates a story centered around these props and performs it. 3. Exploration of Various Uses for Props 4. Creating Prop Advertisements: Students chose a prop available in the classroom and designed an advertisement to promote it. VISUAL ARTSStudents practised Gond folk art from the state of Madhya Pradesh. Composition: Simple animal forms Art Technique: Free hand, colouring, contour outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills. SDG 4: Quality Education LIFE SKILLSSuncity School Sector 37D recently held a one-week event called 'Sadaya: A Wellness Week' for students in grades 3 to 5, aiming to promote their overall well-being. This involved different school departments, such as Physical Education, Dance, Music, Art, and Class Teachers. The activities included creative poster making, the Shark Fin Breathing Exercise for stress relief, and workshops on self-care and body image. Students also played the 'Roll a Wellness Strategy Game' to learn different strategies for maintaining their well-being. Kindness and teamwork were emphasized, as shown by the 'Share a Cup of Kindness' activity and the collaborative mural. Overall, this comprehensive initiative highlighted the importance of nurturing students' physical, mental, and emotional well-being within the school community. Melange- Suncity's Annual Inter-school Fest“Learning through the arts reinforces critical academic skills in reading, language arts and math, and provides students with the skills to creatively solve problems.” – Michelle Obama. Mélange 3.0, the annual inter-school fest at Suncity School 37D, kicked off on October 27th with a flurry of activities focusing on the multiple intelligences integrated with the language arts. Participants eagerly registered for their chosen events, setting the stage for a day of artistic and literary exploration. The inauguration was a grand affair, commencing with the lighting of the traditional lamp and the Shanti Shloka by the school choir. The esteemed guest of honor, acclaimed author and poet, Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla, emphasized the significance of gatherings like Mélange and provided counsel to the students. He encouraged them to actively seek knowledge and urged them to break out of their passive roles. Following this, our principal, Ms. Guneet Ohri, addressed the audience extending a warm welcome to all, expressing gratitude for their presence. Ms. Ohri highlighted the unique strengths and talents possessed by each individual, underscoring the pivotal role of language as a platform for expressing emotions in a diverse array of events. Additionally, she expressed her gratitude towards our distinguished panel of judges, comprising Ms. Hina Madaan, Ms. Deepshika Srivastava, Ms. Priyanka Balhara, Mr. Ashmeet Singh, Ms. Geeta Devi, and Ms. Harpreet Bhatia. A highly anticipated moment was the unveiling of the Mélange teaser, offering attendees a tantalizing glimpse into the creative journey that awaited. With the teaser presentation, Ms. Guneet Ohri officially declared Mélange 3.0 open, ushering in a day of artistic expressions, literary endeavors, and cultural celebrations, all set to leave a lasting impact on the school and its community, celebrating the beauty of linguistic diversity and the richness of human expression. Day 2 of Mélange began with welcoming the Chief Guest, Ms. Manna Bahadur, author and erstwhile Doordarshan presenter who had also made her mark in the All India Radio. Five more exhilarating events were hosted, making the fest more invigorating. The highlight of the day was a panel discussion featuring renowned figures from the literary world. The panel discussion featured luminaries such as Kevin Missal, a celebrated author; Ms. Chander Suta Dogra, an accomplished author and journalist; Ms. Reena Puri, a notable contributor to Amar Chitra Katha. To steer this thought-provoking discussion, we had the privilege of having Ms. Krithika Nair, an esteemed editor and publisher, as the moderator. The final day of Mélange 3.0 was graced by the presence of two members of the school management, Ms. Nandini Singh and Ms. Varsha Jhorar. Following the enlightening panel discussion, the event concluded with an award ceremony, where the deserving victors were honored. The prestigious rolling trophy was clinched by the talented and enthusiastic team from DPS Sector 45, marking a fitting conclusion to an event that had celebrated the beauty of literature, art, and intellectual discourse. We would like to thank, our knowledge partner- Amar Chitra Katha, our title sponsor- Kunzum Books, our co-sponsors- Maker Shala, Safe Xtra and Scholarsmerit, for making our two-day literary extravaganza successful. ENGLISHSeptember was a month packed with enriching learning experiences for Grade 4 students. The month commenced with a Formative Assessment, delving into the world of Pronouns to gauge our understanding. A comprehensive recapitulation of Factual Writing, where they revised the format and practiced. In the realm of Grammar, the focus turned to Adjectives, exploring Demonstrative and Possessive Adjectives, Cardinal and Ordinal Adjectives, and Degrees of Comparison. The Grammarite unit provided ample practice, followed by lively oral discussions and self-corrections. Literature took the learners on a thrilling adventure with 'Treasure Island' . We delved into reading, explanations, word checks, and decoding phrases, enriching our vocabulary. FA sheets were distributed to ensure clarity, and doubts were thoughtfully cleared. Thereafter, the students set sail on an adventure with "Treasure Island." with comprehension exercises, which were enthusiastically tackled, both orally and in notebooks. Conjunctions were introduced in the classrooms, further enhancing understanding of Unit 11 in the Grammarite. They also strengthened their spelling and vocabulary the Units given in the Nelson Spelling Book. Finally, the Project-Based Learning (PBL) activity on Book Review was introduced, sparking excitement for the literary critique journey ahead. HINDIमास का आरंभ, हर्षोल्लास से 'शिक्षक दिवस' मनाते हुए किया गया। जन्माष्टमी के पावन पर्व के बारे में छात्रों से बात की गई | छात्रों को ट्रैफिक सिग्नल की उपयोगिता व इनकी आवश्यकता के बारे में बताकर समझाया गया कि इसी तरह हिंदी भाषा में भी विराम चिह्नों के बिना वाक्य को समझने में भी कठिनाई होगी | वीडियो दिखाकर भाषायी ज्ञान के विकास हेतु 'यातायात संकेत' के नाम व चित्र बनाकर उन संकेतों से संबन्धित विराम चिह्नों का प्रयोग करते हुए वाक्य रचना करवाई गई | छात्रों से भोजन और सेहत के विषय में पूछते हुए पाठ - 'सेहत है अनमोल ख़जाना' का पाठ-पठन व अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया | मासिक विषय और सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१२ से समायोजित करते हुए छात्रों ने एक पौष्टिक व्यंजन घर से लाकर उसकी पौष्टिकता व इसके फ़ायदे के बारे में कक्षा में प्रस्तुतीकरण दिया | छात्रों ने 'हिन्दी दिवस' बड़े ही जोश के साथ मनाया जहाँ उन्होंने वाद -विवाद गतिविधि में भाग लेते हुए समाज के महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर अपने विचारों की अभिव्यक्ति दी। साथ ही साथ विभिन्न कक्षा परीक्षाओं में भाग भी लिया। छात्रों को विडियो की सहायता से राजस्थान की संस्कृति के विषय में बारे में जानकारी देकर पाठ-राजस्थान का पठन करवाया गया | छात्रों से ए-४ शीट में सचित्र राजस्थान के किले, राजस्थान के परिधान/वस्त्र राजस्थान के उत्सव, राजस्थान के नृत्य/संगीत, राजस्थान के तीर्थ-स्थान और राजस्थान के भोजन से सबंधित एक परियोजना बनवाई गई | छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान की जानकारी, शब्दकोश में वृद्धि, भाषिक योग्यता, कल्पनाशक्ति, चिंतनक्षमता एवं बौद्धिक स्तर का विकास हुआ। संबंधित लिंक: https://youtu.be/PejBjvmgF0A?si=HemBHOelmm7AGXpM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IEOrVD0haw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BQuKHt_oo SCIENCEThe students continued their exploration of green plants, focusing on stomata and its importance in plants. They also traced the process of energy generation in humans, drawing a reverse connection to how photosynthesis serves as a vital element in satisfying hunger for most living beings. Additionally, they learned about the relationship and significance of the sun in the ecosystem. To enhance their knowledge, the students embarked on a project where they prepared a herbarium, resulting in a beautiful presentation. This herbarium included various types of leaves, along with their medicinal value and practical uses in our daily lives. Following this, the students delved into the topic of how plants survive. They conducted group presentations on different types of plants based on their adaptations. These presentations were not only informative but also allowed students to discover interesting facts about these plants. The teaching methodologies employed throughout these lessons included age-appropriate videos, PowerPoint presentations, and interactive sharing sessions to guide and enrich the learning experience.
SOCIAL SCIENCEThe students embarked on the journey of the Coastal Plains starting from the westernmost state followed by the different coasts along the coastline of India. The journey was made interesting with visual illustrations and videos. The students enhanced their vocabulary and learnt the new words islets and atolls. A virtual tour of the Sabarmati Ashram and interesting facts about the Rath Yatra of Puri-Odisha were shared with the help of an informative video. Students made class very interesting by integrating the subject with ICT and making PPT, Quiz, and explaining this chapter through PBL (project-based learning) each group made this chapter a lifelong learning by their innovative ways. https://youtu.be/J2BKd5e15Jc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxaDy44azbg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAH16YxixSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-VDOBD3GJQ https://youtu.be/d20NhSifd7A
During the month, students began by learning about division properties and practiced solving long-division problems while also checking their answers. They applied division to real-life problems using the RUCSAC method. Later in the month, factors and multiples were introduced through a warm-up exercise focused on multiplication facts. Students were encouraged to understand the ubiquity of numbers in our daily lives and how factors and multiples are applied in various situations, such as arranging items or forming different groups. Factors, which are numbers that can multiply together to yield another number, and multiples, which result from multiplying one number by another, were explored. The students actively engaged in Shin Edu activities, enhancing their learning experience, and an assessment was conducted to evaluate their understanding of multiplication and division concepts. For additional resources and videos related to these topics, you can refer to the provided links: LIFESKILLSThis module focuses on the concept of ‘Friendships and Boundaries’ for grades 3-5 using an activity based approach. At this age, students start to form stronger and more deeper bonds amongst their peer groups. Through this module, students will be empowered to form quality friendships amongst their peer group while also gaining an understanding of behaviours that make them a good friend. The concept of boundaries was briefly introduced along with conflict resolution in friendships. ICTThe students learnt about the various Tools of Paint 3D. They created an image of parts of a Plant using the 3D Text (Integration with Science). They performed a Quiz in Quizizz.com as a revision. They also created a Poster on one of the SDGs in Paint 3D (Integration With SDGs).
PHYSICAL EDUCATIONUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Badminton: Evaluation of skills, skill demonstration by students, practice with teacher, 11 points match, Knockout matches and match playing. Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, performed on a padded floor mat, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Cricket: Batting Basics, Front foot defence, Backfoot defence, Bowling basics, Pace bowling, spin bowling, Fielding drills, Running between the wickets, Practice Matches to apply all the knowledge. Basketball: Shooting Layups: A fundamental shot where a player drives to the basket and shoots the ball off the backboard or into the hoop and Free Throws Football: Push pass, In step receiving the ball, Outstep Receiving and Chest pass, Kicking; Drills to teach In step, Out step, Chip shot, Short and long-distance kicking. Heading and Throwing and Defense. Swimming: Basic Strokes: Front Crawl (Freestyle), Backstroke Shooting (Grade 5 and Above): Shooting Techniques (Timed Fire), Fundamentals of the Shoot: Preparation, Aim, Breathing, Trigger control, Follow through, Scoring
सितंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार गीत: कृष्ण भजन ,गणेश वंदना ,कजरी लोक गीत प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक: कक्षा ४ -चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने प्रार्थना सभा मे गणेश वंदना का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो,शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली )के साथ किया. वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय , हस्तमुद्रा (तीन ताल) एवं भजनी ठेका
Song Practised: 'You raised me up' Inspiration song about a mother's love expressing the idea of lifting and giving strength Instument Used/ taught: Piano INDIAN DANCEDANCE FORM: Semi-Classical /Kathak SONG: Deva Shree Ganesha The power of Shree Ganesha destroys all our sorrows, enhances our happiness, and creates positivity all around you. Lord Ganesha blesses us with worldly bounties, keeps us protected from obstacles at all times. With this thought, we at Suncity celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with a beautiful Ganesha dance through beautiful postures, shringar ras, mudras and body balancing in Kathak dance style. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The 5 essential beginning steps for a Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn 2. Full body strengthening Warm up routine to keep one more injury free and strong. 3. Body Isolations 4. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'PINK VENOM' by BLACKPINK DRAMAIn their Drama classes: Students delved into the art of storytelling and performance, focusing on the essential story elements-- the beginning (where we introduce characters), the middle (where we introduce conflicts), and the ending (the resolution of conflicts). Activity 1: Collaborative Storytelling This activity involved creating a story in which each student contributed only one to two sentences. This collaborative exercise allowed us to build characters and initiate our narrative together. It encouraged active listening and teamwork among students. Activity 2: Group Story making and performance We engaged in a group exercise. Each group was provided with four random keywords, and the challenge was to construct a story around these words and perform them in front of the class. It tested students' creativity and improvisational skills. Activity 3: Individual Storytelling Each student wrote a story based on the same four keywords, Subsequently, students narrated their individual stories to the class, allowing them to showcase their unique storytelling styles. VISUAL ARTSIn their Visual Art lessons, students learnt: Students made Abstract Compositions related to various sitting postures of Lord Ganesha. Composition: Abstract Art Technique: Free hand, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, crayons, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills. Learning blending and shading techniques SDG 4: Quality Education Special Assemblies |
Class TeachersGrade IV-A Archives
November 2024
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